
About “Wheelchairs & Scooters co.uk” and The Worcestershire Independent Living Centre

This information and advice site was set up by the owners of OTSTORES in the UK to help signpost prospective buyers looking for advice they can trust on where and who to speak to,to get advice and sensible prices on which Wheelchairs and mobility scooter to consider.

It is important that you get professional advice when buying either a wheel chair or mobility scooter. Ideally you will also need to ensure you are properly assessed to get the right model, size and features that will make life easier for you and give you years of service use.

We have been in the industry for over 20 years and know from practical and professional experience how to avoid some of the more common mistakes quite often made.

If you live within the West Midlands, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire or surrounding areas please feel free to call us and visit us in our specially designed  Independent Living Centre in Malvern where we have a large stock of attendant propelled wheelchairs and self propelled wheelchairs. The  Centre  is easy to access if you are coming off Junction 7 of the M5 Motorway.



For information on a free wheelchair assessment please click  Here